Quilidreta is a brand that was born five years ago when we chose quilling, also known as paper filigree in our creative workshops. This has enabled us to express ourselves in an original style, using colourful paper scrolls to inspire our approach to making jewellery in many different ways.
Combining original design, the freedom to create intricate shapes and select from a wide variety of colour palettes allows us to meet the diverse needs and wishes of our customers. Through our unique product range that includes pictures, cards, jewellery and decorations, we strive to radiate love, hope and the desire to be surrounded by beauty that we all share.
Today, you can choose from a large number of available products that explore the vast possibilities of artistic expression. To evolve our brand further, we also offer our clientele the chance to contribute their own design ideas, and so become part of creating the truly unique pieces that will bring them happiness.